Goddess in the wind

Goddess in the wind

Wind is an important concept in Chinese medicine. It is one of the 6 external factors that can cause an illness. It’s a climatic condition which can enter the meridians in the body and cause a cold. It enters through the top of the back and can cause a stiff...
Chickpea Salad

Chickpea Salad

I was absolutely ravenous the other day and soured my cupboards for a very healthy but quick solution!   These were the ingredients I put together 1 can of chickpeas Coriander – chopped Red onion – finely chopped Mix together Now for the flavouring   Melt 1...
Greek Meatballs

Greek Meatballs

Thank you Anastascia for sharing your Greek recipe.   This is made for your week night dinners. I froze it in a cliplock bag in  6 to 10 balls. -500g beef mince -1 egg -3 tablespoons of olive oil -3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill(I love dill, I don’t...
Recent Seminar with Dr Chung

Recent Seminar with Dr Chung

Studying with the Master teacher Dr Micheal Chung on treating pain.   Great protocols for knee pain , back pain, elbow pain, post stroke treatments and more!   Come book an appointment for more information or to see it in...