Insta-Feed eastern.therapies Amenorrhea patient I treated recently! #easternth Quote of the day. This jetlag protocol was taught to me when I was i Quote of the day. We love it when patients come in to see us with th Till next time Dr Alimi. You are a true master of Quote of the day. I am in Montreal and I am learning medical auricul Suffering from hay fever? This season has been rea Quote of the day. Acupuncture can help with pinched nerves! Book in This product may help strengthen your immunity and Quote of the day. Treatment for hairloss. Acupuncture can help impro Quote of the day. Successful VBAC. (Vaginal birth after cesarean) Th Quote of the day. We have crystals in the clinic to help encourage g Quote of the day. Thinking of a father's day gift? Love is the best Load More... Follow on Instagram