Under this full moon the planet of awakening and change, Uranus is active.


Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, is at 90-degree alignment with the sun. This alignment triggers things in our lives to feel shaky and unsteady. It may be hard to know what to trust and which direction to choose.


When this level of shaky and uncertainty enters our life, it allows us to see what is weak and needs to fall, and what is strong. This is rather to help us remove and let go of the things no longer meant for us.

This shakeup will help us to gently let go of things, and not hold on to fear.


Under this Aquarius Full Moon, it is better to let things shake and fall where they will and not try to control them.


Uranus also serves another purpose- awakening our soul energy. This causes us to see things in a new light, to feel differently about ourselves and the world we live in.


Uranus awakens us and to show us a new and higher path.




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More to read here: https://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-aquarius-full-moon-august-2020