Thank you all for your kind words! Love seeing all the photos of your little ones!!


“Hi there, I was there a year ago for acupuncture around the time of frozen embryo transfer. I had a wonderful normal pregnancy and a quick lovely birth of a healthy girl. All is going very well – many thanks for coming in on the public holiday Monday last year for my treatment.”


“Hi Huong, Nice to hear from you! I actually gave birth the same day I saw you last for acupuncture. Such a coincidence because it was exactly the same with my first, I gave birth the same day I saw your for treatment. The Home birth was great, quick labour, no complications, and I have another baby boy 💙”



“Hi there, thx for reaching out. I went into labour naturally on Thursday afternoon and it was amazing. Non medicated, natural and no tearing. We had her an hour and a half after we arrived.. we arrived at the hospital 6cm dilated and was fully dilated within an hour. Best experience!!!! I know how much you all had a role in that ”


” Dear Dr Lau,  Thank you so much for the wonderful care you showed me and my body as it prepared to give birth to my son. He arrived at 38 +4 last Sunday 31 July. I gave birth naturally on only 2 Panadols! I am convinced that, much like 5 years ago with my first, your prenatal acupuncture worked its magic. ”


Much love 💙