Success is being nourished to thrive (2)

At the end of 2015 a patient came in with 10 out of 10 pain. The patient in her late 30s had daily migraines and accompanying nausea and vomiting which had started 5 years ago after an episode of viral meningitis. She couldn’t work, she couldn’t sleep, the pain and frequent hospitalisation was causing depression and only the strongest pain killers had any effect.

Chronic pain is completely consuming. It engrossed ones life and psyche and is very hard to detach ones self from. After a month of treatment we started to see improvements. The patient reported periods and days of rest and without migraines. Her mood was lifting and she was able to use computers again.

Now 8 months after she first walked into eastern therapies doors she is gradually returning to a regular lifestyle. Training and eating right to help her lose weight. Her migraines are infrequent and with less severity compared to what they used to be. We hope that further in the future she will look back on these years of her life, unable to remember what a migraine feels like.

“With Houngs ongoing help my dream of a quality lifestyle will be realised “