I am next available in Sydney on the weekend of May 19th and 20th .
On Sunday 20th May I am at: Suite 4 , Level 2, 106 Ebley Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 .
On Saturday 19th May I am available for home visits.
If you would like to see me for Zero Balancing, Yoga, Meditation or I’Ching charts (which are described fully below, and attached for convenience), please reply by email or telephone/text me on 0432-214051.
I hope to hear from you, and wish you well. Below are full details of what we offer in the way of supporting your health and happiness.
We say that Zero Balancing spreads by Word of Touch. It is hard to pin down how it changes us, but these are some of the descriptions of how people feel after a Zero Balancing session: Clearer, Lighter, Stronger, Taller, and more Grounded….
Clearer – in their thoughts and feelings
Lighter- in their step and outlook on life
Stronger- in their sense of self
Taller – in their bodies
Grounded – connected to, and nourished by, the Earth
If you are curious to understand Zero Balancing better, here is my main teacher, who founded ZB, talking about it on YouTube. This is another good place to look, by another teacher of mine.
Andy Kidd’s treatments
Andy, Cert. ZB, ITEC, MA (Hons), CMC, has over 20 years’ experience in bodywork and yoga practice. His skills simply help us to feel healthier; his practices realign our bodies, offer us greater self-awareness, and promote deeper peace. In addition to being a therapist and teacher, he has a Master of Arts in Social Anthropology and is a Civil Marriage Celebrant.
Zero Balancing
Developed by a physician, Master Acupuncturist and Osteopath, Zero Balancing is a gentle and enjoyable technique which improves your alignment by balancing your deepest joints with the energy of your skeleton. Receiving ZB is like melting into deep relaxation and remembering the comfort of living in a totally balanced body with a peaceful mind. It suits everyone.
Meditation Instruction
Meditation is an invaluable tool for gaining peace of mind, more presence, and better health. It is simple and easy to learn, everyone benefits from practicing, and the results are immediate. Andy has great pleasure in helping you to realise this, and can offer you a practice to take home in one session.
Yoga Instruction
Yoga is an individual journey, and can be tailored to your unique needs. Private instruction helps you to take home your own simple practice so you can always look after yourself, keep flexible and strong, and maintain a clear mind.
Human Design Charts
Andy offers a reading of your birth chart which combines the wisdom of the I’ Ching (the ancient Chinese Book of Changes) with Astrology and the idea of patterns of energy imprinted in us which determine our behaviour.
Based on your time and place of birth, as closely as you can provide, this gives you a map of who you are, and advice on how best to use your energy to make clear decisions, and it helps you to accept and love yourself as exactly as you are.
Prime Gifts Charts
Using the same basis as the Human Design System, this chart based on your birth looks in depth at the areas of your life of Work, Evolution, Radiance and Purpose. The wisdom passed on here is also from the Chinese Inching.
With best wishes,
Andy Kidd
t: +61.(0)432-214051
e: heremoth@gmail.com